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Basic JavaScript

JavaScript: Operators

What are operators?


Operators are the signals that can calculate or chain any value and data.

JavaScript can do a math. For instance:

+ addition, subtraction, * multiplication, / division

const addition =  1 + 2;
//This will return a value of 3.
const subtraction =  30 - 2;
//This will return a value of 28.

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to handle each operators with their examples.

Examples | Mathematical Assignment Operators

+ addition

+ can add numbers:

let subtract = 6 + 3;
// A result will be 9

it can be not only adding numbers but also chaining strings:

let   fruit = "apple";
let   add   = " & "
let   juice = "orange juice";
const stringChain = fruit + juice;
// A result will be "apple & orange juice"


can subtract numbers:

let subtract = 6 - 3;
// A result will be 3

* multiplication

* can multiple numbers:

let multiple = 10 * 100;
// A result will be 1000

/ division

/ can divide numbers:

let divide = 100 / 10;
// A result will be 10

= assignment

= assignment operator will assign a values to a variable. You can combine assignment operator and other operators to clarify a code, like +=, -=.

let num = 1;
num += 10; // A result will be => 11

This code above is same as:

let num = 1;
num = num + 10; //A result will be => 11

++ Increment Operator

The increment operator, ++, will increase the value of the variable by 1.

let num = 1;
// // A result will be => 2

Decrement Operator

The decrement operator, , will decrease the value of the variable by 1.

let num = 1;
// // A result will be => 0


++ and are typically used in Loop statement to increase or decrease a value. You will see them by going to the lesson more further. 
> Here is a post of a conditional statement

Examples | Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare the value on the left with the value on the right.

=== Is equal to

=== operator compare each values whether they are same or not, and evaluate it to true or false.

1 === 1; // A result will be => true
1 === "1"; // => A result will be => false. 
'apples' === 'oranges' // false


In the second line, since either one is type of number and the other hand is type of string, the result will be false.

!== Is NOT equal to

=== operator compare each values whether they are different or not, and evaluate it to true or false.

3 === 3; // A result will be => false.
3 === "3"; // => A result will be => true. 
'beer' === 'wine' // true


> When both operators would be different values, !== operator will return true since it compare if they are different or not, and vise versa.

<:> Less than:Greater than

< will return true if a left value is less than a right one. While > will return true if a left value is greater than a right one.

120 < 300; //  A result will be => true
100 > 100; //  A result will be => false

<=:>= Less than or equal to:Greater than or equal to

< will return true if a left value is less than or equal to a right one. While > will return true if a left value is greater than or equal to a right one.

30 >= 30; //  A result will be => true
150 >= 151; //  A result will be => false
150 <= 151; //  A result will be => true

Examples | Logical Operators

Logical operators will change a final result according to a evaluated result of value on the left.

&& AND Operator

&& AND Operator will return either true or false based on the evaluated result on the right only when the evaluated result on the left is true.

const x = true;
const y = false;
console.log(x && y); // => false
console.log(y && x); // => false
Break down

① – ③: evaluated in the order of x -> y
④: return false when the left side is falsy
④: x will not be evaluated


> If the evaluation on the left is not true, the right is not evaluated. When such a value is determined, no further evaluation is called short-circuit evaluation (short circuit).

|| OR Operator

|| OR Operator will return either true or false based on the evaluated result on the right only when the evaluated result on the left is false.

const x = true;
const y = false;
console.log(x || y); // => true
console.log(y || x); // => true
Break down

① – ③: y is not evaluated because x is true
④: Returns the result of evaluating x because y is false


> Contrary to the && operator, returns true without evaluating the right side if the left side is true.

! NOT Operator

! NOT Operator will return true when the evaluated result of values is false, and vise versa.

console.log(!false); // => true
console.log(!true);  // => false


In JavaScript, logical operators will work with boolean values. We can use logical operators to add more sophisticated logic to our conditionals.
> Here is a post of a conditional statement


Let’s try the operators out with the web console like we have tried in previous post.

How to evaluate operators in the browser

Open up a Chrome browser and use a shortcut key CONTROL + SHIFT + I. (If your computer is Mac, the shortcut key will be COMMAND + OPTION + I)

Press a second button on the right and top, then you can try to operate any value.
Like this:

console log for operators

You can play how operators work on the web console a and would find several errors.


> Mathematical Assignment Operators can calculate the values or chain the strings.

> Comparison Operators compare the values to be used at conditional statements.

> Logical Operators anyway return Boolean values.

> Logical Operators will be active at conditional statements.