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Basic JavaScript

Table of contents you can learn JavaScript basis

Let’s get started to see about a roughly concept of JavaScript in this article before we start full-scale learning a foundation grammar of JavaScript.


JavaScript Fundamentals

JavaScript is a programming language used to define the behavior and used to add functionality to a website; Like animated graphics, sliding image, interactive menu buttons, which are used JavaScript to build and control dynamic website content.

Here’s what JavaScript looks like:

const javaScript = "Hello JS";
function myFunction(){
// An output will be "Hello JS" with a popup
JavaScript is constructed by two elements

The programming language is generally consist of two elements that are Statement and Expression. A typical statement in JavaScript are if and Loop. We can learn them more deeply while studying the concepts below.


> Data types & literal

> Variable

> Operators

> Function

> Object1 - Property and method

> Object2 - Details of method and Class

> Object3 - Built in Oject NOT YET

> Array

> Conditional Statement NOT YET

> Loop NOT YET

> Asynchronous processing NOT YET

> Json NOT YET


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